Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dog Breed: Yorkshire Terrier

Origins: The "Yorkie" was developed in Yorkshire, England, most likely from various small terriers and the Maltese.

Size: Small. About 23cm tall at the shoulder.

Physical Appearance: Glossy-coated, with fine, straight, silky hair. Yorkies should have hair of a dark steel-blue covering the body from neck to root of tail. This contrasts with tan-colored hair over the head, chest, and front legs. The contrast is especially striking in flawlessly groomed show dogs. Show Yorkies' coats need a tremendous amount of care.

Characteristics: Affectionate, lively, alert, fearless.

Colors: Dark steel-blue and tan.

Special Facts: Although Chihuahuas are generally acknowledged as the smallest breed of dog, the smallest officially recorded individual was a two-year-old Yorkshire Terrier which was only two-and-half inches tall at the shoulder, and which died in 1945. Even the smallest living dog is also a Yorkshire Terrier from the UK which stands three inches tall.

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