Monday, June 2, 2008

Diarrhea In Rabbits

The presence of soft stools in rabbits can be misinterpreted as diarrhea. These "soft stools" that look like a bunch of tiny grapes stuck onto the backside of rabbits are often caecotrophs which are normal.

Rabbits with diarrhea often have watery stools and are ill. Inappropriate diet, sudden changes in diet, certain antibiotics, stress, intestinal parasites, and enteritis are some of the causes of diarrhea in rabbits.

A fecal analysis is often performed to look for intestinal parasites. Treatments include giving probiotics to restore normal gut flora and supportive treatment.

Diarrhea in rabbits is a serious medical condition and warrants immediate veterinary attention especially if the rabbit stops eating and becomes dull and listless. Rabbits can die from severe diarrhea.

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